3 Ways to Get Organized

Being organized can offer a breath of fresh air in your life. Youll be able to live more efficiently and effectively. Chances are, you may find pockets of time that you never thought possible. Getting organized may take some time, but it will most definitely be worth every moment. The payoff is phenomenal when it comes to getting organized. Here are some tips in how to get organized.

1. Throw away the clutter. Throw away everything you dont need. Consider this a minimalist approach in life. Simply, throw away everything that isnt working toward your highest good. Keep everything that is helping you reach your goals and dreams. Have you heard about the 20-80 rule? Chances are, only 20 percent of your items are contributing to your results. Think about this rule and how it applies to your life.

2. Batch the rest. Put like-with-like together. An easy way to look at it is throwing your forks together with the rest of your forks. You wouldnt want to group your forks with your spoons. You actually risk the chance of wasting time when you reach for a fork and grab a spoon instead. So, batch like items together and itll be much easier to take inventory of what you have and to find things later on. This is also a great opportunity to throw away the things that you thought you needed, but actually dont.

3. Create different methods. Having a method in how you clean can make deep cleans a lot shorter later on. Perhaps, you can make a method of cleaning up immediately after you dirty something. Or you could also lightly clean early in the morning or late at night. By continued maintenance, you dont have to deal with massive messes that accumulated because of previous ignorance.